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The Larsen's Memorials Difference

Not all memorial stones are created equal. By using the finest granite, proper foundations, and lettering procedures, Larsen's creates memorials that will last forever.

Visit Manitoba's Largest Showroom


Come to our showroom today for your no pressure memorial consultation.

Larsen’s Memorials – Granite Memorial Design in Winnipeg


Larsen’s Memorials provide the highest quality memorials and granite works in Winnipeg. it come up with a wide variety of memorials & monuments which will help you memorize your loved ones forever.


Larsen’s Memorials also Offer a wide variety of services including:

  • Lettering of Existing Memorials

  • Restoration of Old Memories

  • Bronze Plaques and Grave Markers

  • House Signs

  • Granite Countertops

  • Refacing of Memorials

  • Granite Benches

  • Flower Vases

  • Hand Etched Designs


If you need an expert advice on your memorial accessories, then come to Larsen’s Memorials showroom. See, Touch and feel the difference! Visit our photo gallery to see examples of our selection of granite memorial design Winnipeg Or call (204) 633-5053 for your appointment.

Granite Memorial Design in Winnipeg


Mailing Address

1801 Notre Dame Ave (at Keewatin)

Winnipeg MB
R3E 3E5

Reach Us

Phone: (204) 633-5053
Toll Free: 1-866-755-5401
Fax: (204) 694-7137


Business Hours

Office Hours: (Summer Hours)


Mon - Fri: 8:00a - 5:00p
Sat: 9:00a - 1:00p, closed on long weekends
Evenings by appointment.

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